Teaching tweens skills for life
If you live or work with a tween you have come to the right place. Welcome to my online courses and the work that I love.
I purchased one of each and they get a big thumbs up in our household. They have broadened the discussions with our kids. I often recommend them to friends with tweens. Thanks for creating such a great resource.
I’ve seen Michelle present several times at my son’s school and she is so informative, so progressive and very entertaining as well. I already have three of her books and I’ve just ordered the video series, the parent’s presentation video, the puberty for boys book and the resilience journal. I must be one of the biggest fans!! 😊
I just want to say a huge Thank You for all your advice & resources the past few years! It's really helped my 12 yr old daughter and myself navigate through these past challenging years.
What a wonderful series of videos & books! I'm a primary teacher but bought them for my chn, aged 8 & 12 yrs. So well written, relatable & great for kids. A valuable resource I'd highly recommend!
My kids have been telling me their friendship troubles in the lead up to school, so we’ve already watched a few episodes. Such a great conversation starter and they feel empowered already!! I also rang a friend straight away to get her sons onto it. I also ordered two of your books (resilience journal and boys puberty guide) and I’m so excited to receive them. I’m so thankful that I found you, I already feel like a more capable parent. Keep up the great work, I’m forever grateful!